
Applied behavior analysis has truly help transform my parent-child relationship. I wasn’t understanding how certain things I was trying to do to help were actually making things worse. My son’s BCBA propelled us into a new direction and we overcome a great deal of challenges.

Daniel, Child Age 4

Discovering Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) was a turning point for us. As a parent, it’s heartbreaking to see your efforts to help not yielding the expected results, or worse, contributing to the problem. Thankfully, our son’s Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) opened our eyes to new strategies that fostered a more positive and effective approach to parenting.

Angie, Child Age 12


When we got the diagnosis, I had no idea what ABA was when our doctor recommended it. I absolutely was overwhelmed and did not know where to start. I needed the resources and the support system so I could get my son into therapy as soon as possible.

Caroline, Child age 2

girl picking flowers

by Albert Knapp, PSYD, BCBA-D






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